Special Post: Last Day’s Madness?

Greetings Beloved,

As we career into the world’s end next week due to a mortal head wound and the Pope opening-up a blood-moon in the Large Hadron Collider, which will cause the zombie apocalypse in the middle-east, the attached is an alternative view of the end times and the ‘left behind’ series – and is indeed a compelling understanding of Matthew 24.

Instead of the world ending sometime between now and next week, I believe that we’re in the greatest time of my Father’s blessing, and it is an honour to be chosen to be alive in this hour and to plan ahead for [several] future generations.

How about we all keep an open mind, let go of our pre-conceived ideas about Father and our eschatology, and simply love one another and advance the Kingdom instead?

The type of current end-times lunacy that we’re seeing is why the church is weak, beloved.  When we constantly believe that the world is “ending”, we’re the ones with the “mortal head wound” and we don’t think generationally and build accordingly.  Why do we always think that it is about ‘us’ and ‘our generation’?

A righteous man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.

Occupy until He comes.

Grace and Peace to you all,

Agape Revolution (hanging on by my finger-nails, and just making it through the various Harbingers of the hour, phew…)

P.S.  I do realise that I could be wrong about a lot of things.  But so can you. ;). This is just where I’m at in terms of the understanding of my Father.  If you like Jonathan’s video below, I’d highly recommend his other teachings’, and his book called “Raptureless & the Art of Revelation.”  He’s a brilliant young man.

Finally, John 3:16 didn’t say the following: “For God was so angry at the world that He wanted to get all the Christians outta there, so He could beat up on everyone else.”  My Father is not an angry Father.  Some food for thought.

4 thoughts on “Special Post: Last Day’s Madness?

  1. “Instead of the world ending sometime between now and next week, I believe that we’re in the greatest time of my Father’s blessing, and it is an honour to be chosen to be alive in this hour and to plan ahead for [several] future generations.”

    Amen. Preach it, bro!
    I’ll go out on a limb and say that the blood moons thing was yet another false prophecy (or just bad teaching). 🙂 Will be glad when Sept.28 passes with the last blood moon and people can move on from their current end-times hysteria. I just wish they would leave “Left Behind” behind, once and for all. Yup, we’re the ones with the head-wound. Good word!

    Btw, Jonathan Welton’s book “Raptureless” is an excellent read on what he’s talking about here.
    Blessings, Mel


    1. Yeah, been getting a lot out of Jonathan for the past few years, Mel. His understanding on the end-times, which is really based on Gary De Mar’s fuller study, fits really well with the Pauline gospel, the grace message, and the Father Heart of God.

      I think that a war is coming in the church over these matters. It’s already here. Many people are chosing not to move with the cloud, and hanging on to and defending old understanding.

      I honestly think that as we head towards 2018 (70 years after 1948) and that fact that no blood moons are due for hundreds of years, that people will recgonise that the understanding of futurism is false.

      I really do like Jonathan Cahn. He has a nice spirit. I just think that loads of people are misunderstanding what he is saying. Even Cahn is saying that he is pan-trib. Wise.

      Anyway, I believe that this generation is a defining generation. I believe that many lies, dogmas and wrong theology are going to be torn down. While I honour those of previous generations, we have to adjust and throw out the bad and keep the good. We need to keep advancing. Father’s strategy is generational. He thinks in terms of decades.

      I’m hoping that our children and our families don’t grow up with the mixture of the old and new convenants that have been so prevalent in our generations.



      1. Yup, we’re in the midst of a major transition, a reformation, if you will. And people generally don’t like change! As Jesus said, they think the old is better at first. But I think it’s as big as the Protestant Reformation because so many of our assumptions are being challenged, deconstructed, and re-formed anew. Some of it is bringing us back to the ancient teachings of the early church. And it’s all good. I also agree with your that it usually takes at least one generation for a transition to take root. We will be called the heretics and false teachers, but we also get to be the trail blazers and pioneers! It’s challenging, but exciting. We just need to hang on to what to what is good, and learn to hold it loosely, not getting stuck in dogma. Just keep following the cloud. It will all shake out in due time. It 30-40 years time it will be pretty solid for our children and grandchildren. 🙂


        1. No, I haven’t read the book by McNutt, but may have to get it. 🙂 I know that the Reformers invented Cessationism to counteract the authority of the Pope more than saying it wasn’t biblical. There was also their Deistic tendencies. Warfield articulated the doctrine with his book in the mid-19th century.
          There’s another good book to counteract all that misrepresentation of church history, “2000 Years of Charismatic History” by Eddie L. Hyatt.


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